What is Brain Matter?

Published: 19 June, 2023

By: brainmatter

Hi, my name is Yasin (Quazi Yasin Billah). I've been making art since the age of 6. Art really felt like a part of my soul around the age of 12. Around 2010 was when I first discovered that I can make music on a computer and it changed everything. All my interests, influences, aspirations, and inspirations all stem from those very first moments. As I grew in age and skill I started branching out in skills, principles, mediums, etc. I've tried to execute every idea my brain has come up with and my process has always been about the same:
  1. Have idea
  2. Find out how to make it happen
  3. Learn the necessary skills
  4. Practice, execute, repeat.
I think whatever happens the driving factor should really just be "I need to make some art because I need to". Of course there's things to think about like execution, presentation, design, aesthetics, etc but the main thought should always be the INTENT. It's tricky cause only you know what your true intent is. Once you lock that in with yourself it will show with whatever you put out.

With all that being said, Brain Matter is my personal journal. It's the container I use to hold all of my creative feelings. It's a variety of things including a vessel for art, a pool for resources / information, and an on going study in what makes art art.

Ma & I, Queens, 1999
